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Observatory of Industry 4.0 and Science and Technology Applied to Health

This observatory has two objectives: On the one hand, to have accurate and true information on the R&D and innovation lines in Industry 4.0 and Sciences and Technologies Applied to Health currently existing in Andalusia, and on the other hand, to carry out “Technological Surveillance” work by detecting all those technologies or digital solutions that are being developed nationally and internationally.

R&D+i Projects

The needs of the associated companies in the R&D+i area, including the Industry 4.0 and the new developments or technological solutions previously detected will be reflected in the following project units:

  • Technical Feasibility Studies.
  • Industrial Research.
  • Experimental Development.
  • Innovation in Organisation.
  • Innovation in Processes.

Revitalization and Promotion Actions

The revitalization and promotion actions will be aimed to:

  • Promote the development, attraction and retention of human capital.
  • Stimulate the innovation and the entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0, BioICT and Health Science and Technology sectors, including spin-offs, as the foundations for the economic and social development of Andalusia.
  • Promotion of R&D+i and knowledge transfer.
  • Guide companies towards the intensive use of new technologies.
  • Enhance the implementation of pilot experiences, concept tests, and demonstration projects.
  • Encourage the adoption of technological solutions to improve the competitiveness of companies.
  • Stimulate innovation and technological specialisation across the companies.
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Training and employment

Training programmes will be designed to meet the needs of the businesses. The actions planned in this area are:

  • Identification of the needs of companies in the development of new products and services.
  • Identification of significant improvements in existing products and services in companies.
  • Basic training to introduce elementary concepts on applied creativity and innovation with a practical approach.
  • Advanced training through advanced and themed seminars and technical sessions.
  • Training in methodologies to introduce new working methodologies in the field of applied creativity and innovation.

Entrepreneurship Service. Financing

The purpose of the service is to find the financial instruments necessary for the promotion of entrepreneurship and companies in our area, mainly SMEs, which can carry out their R&D+i initiatives, including Industry 4.0, and thus improve their competitiveness, growth, and internationalisation.

More information on Digital Innovation Hubs